Thursday, 28 May 2015

Reflective Questions

1) The growth I've made on the wheel since day one has been an improvement. When I first started to throw I couldn't do it at all. 

2) All it takes to do well on the wheel is to take advice. Taking advice on how to do certain techniques will help you tremendously. 

3) I struggled to get my clay centered and stay centered. I fixed this by speeding the wheel up and taking my time. 

4) The easiest part of this class was that you can choose what you plan to do. The hardest part was trying to get everything done on time. 

5) I don't think I could sell my work now because none of it is anything anyone would want to use.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Glaze Plan for Slabvase

2 grams of Copper Carbonate in base glaze as main color, and 1 Zinc Oxide mixed with 2 grams of Cobalt Carbonate and base glaze

Mini-Textile #6

2 grams of Nickle Oxide with base

Textile-Mini #5

4 grams of Lithium Carbonate plus base glaze

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

5 Teapot Ideas

10 Minitures before Glaze

Successes and Challenges on the Potery Wheel

While throwing on the wheel I came across some challenges and some successes. I came to found some of my challenges on the wheel was to get it centered. Our first project in Ceramics, we throw from the hump. It took me a while to get it centered to go off of it from the beginning but once it was it was a lot simpler. Also, after I finished throwing, I ran into the challenge of getting my project off the hump and it being even on the bottom and not getting figure prints all over it. A success I had while throwing was getting it to be even on the top and making it look how I wanted it too.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

5 Slab Vase Ideas

Clay Bust drawing

Mini Ideas

Glaze Recipe

Base Clay
A: Baldwin Red
B: Kevin Baldwin
C: 7-8
D: Hold at 1265C for 20 minutes
E: 44 feldspar, potash
E: 14 ash, bone
E: 14 quartz
E: Iron oxide, red
E: 10 talc
E: 8 ball clay, AK
E: 5 ball clay, HV
E: 3 lithium carbonate
E: 2 Benoite
F: Gloss
H: Kevin Baldwin even bright red on white stoneware

  • times everything by 10